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Free Printable Floral Calendar

Free Printable Floral Calendar

Whew!  The first couple weeks of November have flown by in a whirl of activity.  Life always seems to be a little extra busy this time of year between school activities, church events, a family birthday, and the ramp-up for holiday festivities.  I’m always amazed how quickly the time seems to fly in these final two months of the year. (And how slowly it seems to crawl when I’m staring out at the frozen landscape a few months later in February! But I digress…)

In the next few weeks, I look forward to enjoying simple holiday traditions with my family.  A delicious Thanksgiving feast. Pulling out the Christmas decor. Sipping hot cocoa while watching “White Christmas.” Listening to Frank Sinatra’s Holly Jolly Christmas while wrapping up gifts.

And then, just like that, a new year will begin!  Already, I find myself adding events to my phone calendar for 2020, and in a matter of weeks, I’ll be replacing the physical calendar that graces my kitchen wall.  In the past, I’ve usually grabbed a calendar on discount during the first week of January, but I decided to do something a little different this time around.

I designed a handy floral calendar you can just print right at home.  

As I do with most of my projects, I adorned this design with happy little flowers for every month of the year.  (Inspired by the all the lovely florals I sprinkle over the journals and notebooks in my shop!)  I already have a wood document frame on hand, and I’m excited to frame up the first month of January and hang it on my wall come New Year’s Day. (Minus the glass, so I can add notes if I need to.)  The only problem I foresee is that it turned out so pretty, I may not want to mar it by writing down and appointments or events!

Of course, I made this calendar to share. So if you have a planner, bulletin board, or wall that needs a little floral cheer, you can grab this Free Printable Calendar right here by clicking the blue button below.

(Downloads are only available to More Like Grace subscribers: By clicking the download button below, you consent to OPT-IN to our email newsletters with encouragement and freebie news. Unsubscribe any time.)

I often use flowers in my designs because to me, they offer us a tiny picture of God’s beauty and faithfulness.

Sometimes, they bloom in lush fields under bright, sunny skies. Other times, they surprise us, popping up in an ugly sidewalk crack or the middle of a muddy field.  But the beauty of every flower started in the same place: a dark, quiet seed, buried deep underground and waiting for something to happen. And at just the right time, in just the right way, that seed grows into full bloom.

I’m not sure what your life looks like as you approach 2020.  Maybe your days are in full bloom, full of meaningful activity and fulfilled dreams. Maybe you just took a step of faith, and you’re pushing out those first tentative shoots of action, starting a new venture.  And maybe some of you feel like you’re in the dark–unsure, in between, restless, or lonely–and it’s hard to see the beauty in your day.

Wherever you find yourself on the journey, I hope that as you glance at the flowers on this calendar throughout the year, you’ll remember these words from your Father’s heart:

“God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” (Ecc. 3:11)

Maybe you can’t see the scope of what God’s doing right now.  Maybe that drives you a little crazy, stews up a lot of anxiety, and constantly dogs you with doubt.  (I’m raising my hard right there with you, friends.)  But hold on and press on, dear heart.  God’s at work in the dirt and the darkness–it’s the only place a  gorgeous bloom can get it’s start.

I hope you enjoy this free calendar friends.  But even more, I hope you enjoy the beauty of God’s presence, through every day of the year. 

(Downloads are only available to More Like Grace subscribers: By clicking the download button, you consent to OPT-IN to our email newsletters with encouragement and freebie news. Unsubscribe any time.)





Free 2020 Calendar

Comments (2)

  1. Avatar

    Thanks so much for your free calendar for 2020! It is so pretty! And you are so generous. I’m still using the free printable grocery list. Don’t know what I would do without it. God bless!

    Becky Bizzell
    Feb 12, 2020 Reply
  2. Avatar

    Thank you so much!!! Do you have a 2021 calendar under way? 🙂

    Tiffany Ringhofer
    Sep 2, 2020 Reply

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