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Mason Jar Yarn Flowers

Mason Jar Yarn Flowers

One weekend earlier this spring, I had to stop at the craft store for a “quick trip” to pick up some school project supplies.

My daughter was along that afternoon, and let me tell you, this girl loves to shop.  If it glitters or glimmers or sparkles or dazzles, she will not only notice it and admire it, but feel the immediate need to buy it.

Easy Yarn Flowers DIY

“I will pay you back from my money jar when we get home mom, I promise.”  I hear these words about twenty times every time we stroll through a store.  A proud American consumer, that one.

It will come as no surprise to you that my most frequently uttered word on such excursions is “No.” As in, “No way. Not a chance. I am not letting you spend another dime, especially on overpriced glitter slime that is going to end up smeared in the carpet.”

But my girl is smart. She knows how to get to me.  “Well, didn’t you think about doing a craft for grandma for Mother’s Day? Remember that yarn thing you told me about?”

Yes, I remembered. And I’m always a sucker for a craft project that we can make as a gift for others.

Fifteen minutes later, our basket included a kaleidoscope of yarns and a few other supplies.  And the rest, as they say, is history.  We ended up creating a super-cute string art project for the grandmas (which I hope to make a post about in the near future) and these adorable mason jar yarn flowers to brighten up our party decorations.

Now I want to share the idea with you so you can get your own hands busy with this simple, fun craft project.  I love that it recycles boxes (thank you Pizza Hut, for your contribution to this project). And it’s not a fussy project–the free-form style of the yarn just adds to the charm.

These flowers would make a perfect rainy afternoon project for kids, something they can proudly display in their bedroom or a fun way to bring homemade charm to a dinner party.  Maybe you know someone who could use a little cheering up: Why not make a few bouquets and drop them by a nursing home, or homeless shelter, or a lonely neighbor’s home?

Whatever you use them for, I hope you find some joy and relaxation in crafting this little project with someone you love.

Supplies Needed:

  • cardboard box (pizza box or Amazon boxes work great)
  • yarn in multiple colors
  • tulip or flower shapes printed on paper (scroll to end of post for the shapes I used. Feel free to download image and print.)
  • pencil
  • tape
  • green floral picks or popsicle sticks to use as “stems”
  • small mason jar – 8 or 12 oz.
  • piece of florist foam

How To Make:

  1. Gather up your supplies. And maybe turn on some tunes!  (Music helps me get my creative juices flowing. . .)Yarn Flowers Craft
  2. Cut the box into flat sections. Trace the tulip or flower shape onto these sections and cut out the shapes.Mason Jar Craft
  3. Attach your “stem” (aka. popsicle stick, dowel, or floral stem) to the cardboard piece using tape. Then tape the end of your yarn to the back side of your cardboard shape. 
  4. Wind the tape around the cardboard form in a random criss-cross pattern.  (Keep the yarn attached to the yarn ball until you’re done with all the winding around. Then cut the yarn with a few inches left.)Yarn Flowers Craft
  5. Tie a knot into the yarn on the back side of the shape, to secure the yarn in place. Trim the yarn if necessary and tuck the “tail” of your yarn under the criss-cross yarn on the back of your shape
  6. Place a small piece of florist foam or styrofoam into the bottom of a small mason jar.Yarn Flowers Craft
  7. Secure your flowers into the styrofoam.Yarn Flowers Craft
  8. Cut a few lengths of yarn in two or three colors. Tie in a bow around the rim of the mason jar.

Enjoy your pretty little craft!


Easy Yarn Flowers DIY

Comments (3)

  1. […] Mason jar yarn flowers […]

  2. […] bring to parents and grandparents. Set up a simple art activity to make a few of these flowers from More Like Grace. They’ll make the perfect gift, particularly for Mother’s Day. Print the flower shaped […]

  3. […] 3. Mason Jar Yarn Flowers […]

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